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Rural Education Awareness And Development Society Ngo In Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu

Rural Education Awareness And Development Society Ngo Information

Rural Education awareness and Development Society Non Governmental Organization is located in Tirunelveli TAMIL NADU .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No 112/1996
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name Tamilnadu societies registration Act 1975
City of Registration Tirunelveli
State of Registration TAMIL NADU
Date of Registration 16-10-1996

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes

FRCA Registartion Number: 076030321

Rural Education awareness and Development Society NGO Organization Members


Rural Education awareness and Development Society Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
TAMILNADU SOCIAL WELFAREState2016-201780000Very use full scheme for rural poor and un educated women
Central Social Welfare BoardCentral2016-20171500840Very use full scheme for rural poor children and working them mothers
Central Social Welfare BoardCentral2014-2015466224very use full program for rural and poor children
TZEDEKOverseas2014-201536000very use full program for rural and poor women
TZEDEKOverseas2015-2016112000very use full program for rural and poor women
Central Social Welfare ProgramCentral2015-2016727628very use full program for rural and poor children and their working mothers
Tamilnadu Social WelfareState2017-201880000The program is very usefull to women groups
Tamilnadu Social Welfare and Nutrition Meal SchemeState2017-20181500840The program is very usefull to rural children
Tamilnadu Social Welfare and Nutrition Meal SchemeState2017-20181500840The program is very usefull to rural children

Contact details

Address READ, Rural Education awareness and development society, 17,sivan koil west street, Kokkirakulam, Tirunelveli 627 009,Tamil Nadu
City Tirunelveli
Telephone 0462-2334313
Mobile No 9442063362
Website Url
E-mail readsociety_tvl(at)rediffmail[dot]com

Rural Education awareness and Development Society Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Tirunelveli

Operational States: TAMIL NADU

AchieveMents: READ and its activities and getting a good track record since 15 years of service, till now formed 2500 women self help groups, and revolved internal lending around 1 crores, and covering 3 lakh rural population in 3 blocks in Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu. For training programmes such as Animal Husbandry , wasteland development, watershed development to 1390 Rural beneficiaries, Technical and Skill training to 480 women beneficiaries under RMK and National Minority Commission ( Central Government Projects) Scheme, Leadership and personality development training to 50 youth leaders, and the secretary of READ further added that Micro-Enterprises development training also provided to 100 women members, 50 gender development training organized to Self help group representatives for better understanding and perspective of gender development, 15 personality development training were conducted for the rural youth, 30 women have been trained as community resource persons, pre-election and post-election training conducted to 200 village young leaders