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Gram Seva Samiti Ngo In Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh

Gram Seva Samiti Ngo Information

GRAM SEVA SAMITI Non Governmental Organization is located in Hoshangabad MADHYA PRADESH .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No 82
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name MP Societies Registration Act
City of Registration Hoshangabad
State of Registration MADHYA PRADESH
Date of Registration 11-01-1953

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes

FRCA Registartion Number: 063290001

GRAM SEVA SAMITI NGO Organization Members

SURESH DIWANSecretaryAvailableAvailable
GEETA SHRIVASTAVTreasurerAvailableAvailable
NARENDRA KUMAR CHOUDHARIPresidentAvailableAvailable


Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
TATHAPI TRUST PUNEOverseas2014-2015473476To provide health education to women . to educate about nutrition. to refer cases to nearly PHC / govt. hospitals for necessary.
NAVDHANYA NEW DELHLIOverseas2014-2015150000Promotion of organic farming / traditional seeds and development of master trainers on organic farming. Promotion of SHGs / farmers club of women for organic farming.
TATHAPI TRUST PUNEOverseas2015-2016565250 to improve anemia status of women. to improve reproductive health status of women
NAVDHANYA NEW DELHIOverseas2015-2016300000Sagwari – garden of hope to develop sagwari in school . to involve village education committee teachers, mata samiti, education officials for organic farming.
TATHAPI TRUST PUNEOverseas2016-2017520524 to create awareness on violence against women. to provide first line health care to villagers particularly women
NAVDHANYA NEW DELHIOverseas2016-2017300000To develop community seed bank . Documentation on good practices. Organize farmers meetings for organic farming.

Contact details

Address Gram seva SamitiVillage TarondaNitayaPost RaisalpurDistrict Hoshangabad
City Hoshangabad
Telephone Not Available
Mobile No 9301485968
Website Url Not Available
E-mail dishasamvad(at)yahoo[dot]com

GRAM SEVA SAMITI Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Hoshangabad

Operational States: MADHYA PRADESH

AchieveMents: Biodiversity and medicinal plants are very important for human beings particularly for women health we have collected about fifty species of nutritional seeds We started save the soil campaign so farmers are going to soil testing laboratory for testing their soil Recently we set up our seed bank Farmers exchange their seeds according to their need we celebrated world environment day with a gathering of hundred farmers they take oath to conserve the water