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Jankalyan Trust Ngo In Mahad Maharashtra

Jankalyan Trust Non Governmental Organization is located in Mahad MAHARASHTRA .

Registration Details

Registered With Charity Commissioner
Type of NGO Trust (Non-Government)
Registration No E- 281
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name The Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950
City of Registration Mahad
State of Registration MAHARASHTRA
Date of Registration 03-09-1997

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes

FRCA Registartion Number: 083850036

Jankalyan Trust NGO Organization Members

Calistus Robert FernandesChief FunctionaryAvailableAvailable
Diogo Indira FernandesCo MemberAvailableAvailable
BYRON XAVIER MENDONCATrusteeAvailableAvailable

Jankalyan Trust Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
ADAOverseas2015-20166to look after the spiritual needs, growth and development primarily of he roman Catholic of Mahad. though not exclusively for those, and to provide such spiritual services, sacred ceremonies, aids,rituals, and other facilities and amenities of the Roman Catholic Church in conformity with the provisions of the Canon Law and the Regulations of the Archdioceses of Bombay for the time being in force and amended from time to time. To give support and promote education ,medical relief to poor
ADAOverseas2016-20175to look after the spiritual needs, growth and development primarily of he roman Catholic of Mahad. though not exclusively for those, and to provide such spiritual services, sacred ceremonies, aids,rituals, and other facilities and amenities of the Roman Catholic Church in conformity with the provisions of the Canon Law and the Regulations of the Archdioceses of Bombay for the time being in force and amended from time to time. To give support and promote education ,medical relief to poor
ADAOverseas2017-20186to look after the spiritual needs, growth and development primarily of he roman Catholic of Mahad. though not exclusively for those, and to provide such spiritual services, sacred ceremonies, aids,rituals, and other facilities and amenities of the Roman Catholic Church in conformity with the provisions of the Canon Law and the Regulations of the Archdioceses of Bombay for the time being in force and amended from time to time. To give support and promote education ,medical relief to poor
Not SpecifiedAny Other2018-2019Not Specifiedto look after the spiritual needs, growth and development primarily of he roman Catholic of Mahad. though not exclusively for those, and to provide such spiritual services, sacred ceremonies, aids,rituals, and other facilities and amenities of the Roman Catholic Church in conformity with the provisions of the Canon Law and the Regulations of the Archdioceses of Bombay for the time being in force and amended from time to time. To give support and promote education ,medical relief to poor

Jankalyan Trust Contact details

Address P.Box No. 7, Sunderwadi, Mahad
City Mahad
Telephone Not Available
Mobile No 9422095931
Website Url Not Available
E-mail jankalyantrust(at)hotmail[dot]com

Jankalyan Trust Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Raigarh

Operational States: MAHARASHTRA

AchieveMents: Not Available

Key Issues
