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Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra Ngo In Chiplun Maharashtra

Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra Non Governmental Organization is located in Chiplun MAHARASHTRA .

Registration Details

Registered With Charity Commissioner
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No Maharashtra-1088-Ratnagiri
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name Society Act 1860(21)
City of Registration Chiplun
State of Registration MAHARASHTRA
Date of Registration 20-08-1992

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes

FRCA Registartion Number: 083950039

Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra NGO Organization Members

Pramod Yashwant JoshiVice PresidentAvailableAvailable
Uday Sadashiv PanditSecretaryAvailableAvailable
Vishwas Vishnu JoshiPresidentAvailableAvailable
SANTOSH DIVAKAR DESAITreasurerAvailableAvailable
VIJAY KRISHNA MAHABALMemberAvailableAvailable
SANDEEP SADASHIV RANEMemberAvailableAvailable
ARVIND GAJANAN MOREJoint SecretaryAvailableAvailable
VISHWAS DATTATRAY KATDAREChief FunctionaryAvailableAvailable

Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
The Ruford FoundationOverseas2015-2016473808Continuation of monitoring of 9 vulture feeding grounds with the help of local community rangers. Focussed awareness drives with the help of Animal Husbandry Department around 9 vulture feeding grounds. Ensure higher number of villagers use vulture safe carcass dumping ground
Global GivingOverseas2015-2016348827In India 1% of blind people are bilaterally corneal blind out of which only approximately 60,000 can be delivered vision by penetrating keratoplasty. Rest 50% cannot be provided vision due to associated involvement of posterior segment. Considering annual addition of 20,000 fresh cases of corneal blindness, maximum utilization of collected corneas and back log of corneal blindness and India needs approximately 140,000 eye donors as of today against 40,621 cornea collections as per NPCB.
MCBTOverseas2015-201610000Reduce beach lighting affecting nesting turtles. Increase voluntary participation of community in turtle conservation program targeted for locals, tourists. Local community should be educated about immediate action required on spotting turtles on beach. Involve youth in turtle festival and beach clean-up drives. Create opportunities for locals by hosting Turtle Festival.
GIZOverseas2015-2016801447a project titled ‘Implementation of Participatory Conservation of Biodiversity in Velas to Dabhol Costal Stretch in Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra’ during the period starting from October 2015 to April 2017. This consultancy project was funded through a contract with the Project on Conservation and Sustainable Management of Existing and Potential Coastal and Marine Protected Areas (CMPA) of the Indo-German Biodiversity Programme.
Conservation International FoundationOverseas2015-2016147931State Animal Husbandry Department: SNM has been working with the Animal Husbandry Department on awareness generation about the ban on Diclofenac as veterinary medicine. SNM shall continue to involve the department and orient their participation to meet the vulture conservation objectives. Private veterinary practitioners and para veterinariansy they have significant role in prohibiting the use of diclofenac compounds. They will be involved in sensitization and awareness generation on role of vul
Conservation International FoundationOverseas2013-20141092605State Animal Husbandry Department: SNM has been working with the Animal Husbandry Department on awareness generation about the ban on Diclofenac as veterinary medicine. SNM shall continue to involve the department and orient their participation to meet the vulture conservation objectives. Private veterinary practitioners and para veterinariansy they have significant role in prohibiting the use of diclofenac compounds. They will be involved in sensitization and awareness generation on role of vul
MCBTOverseas2013-201426650Increase voluntary participation of community in turtle conservation program targeted for fishermen, local community and students. Fishermen should be made aware about the first aid that is required when turtles caught accidentally. Stickers posted on board the fishing ship will help to take necessary action including the photographic documentation. Local community should be educated about immediate action required on spotting turtles on beach. Involve young minds in conservation activities thr
TCSOverseas2013-2014160000The continuous awareness programs, alternate livelihood options for locals through conservation and implementation of law have helped to curb poaching along the entire coast of Maharashtra. Other threats like polluting beaches, ever reducing dry sand patch, construction, lightings near beaches still exist affecting turtle nesting. In most cases, beach pollution is due to natural as well as man-made reasons such as growth of plantation in the dry sand, sand erosion, improper garbage disposal and
TCSOverseas2014-2015241668The continuous awareness programs, alternate livelihood options for locals through conservation and implementation of law have helped to curb poaching along the entire coast of Maharashtra. Other threats like polluting beaches, ever reducing dry sand patch, construction, lightings near beaches still exist affecting turtle nesting. In most cases, beach pollution is due to natural as well as man-made reasons such as growth of plantation in the dry sand, sand erosion, improper garbage disposal and
Conservation International FoundationOverseas2014-2015652667State Animal Husbandry Department: SNM has been working with the Animal Husbandry Department on awareness generation about the ban on Diclofenac as veterinary medicine. SNM shall continue to involve the department and orient their participation to meet the vulture conservation objectives. Private veterinary practitioners and para veterinariansy they have significant role in prohibiting the use of diclofenac compounds. They will be involved in sensitization and awareness generation on role of vul
GIZOverseas2014-20151348200a project titled ‘Implementation of Participatory Conservation of Biodiversity in Velas to Dabhol Costal Stretch in Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra’ during the period starting from October 2015 to April 2017. This consultancy project was funded through a contract with the Project on Conservation and Sustainable Management of Existing and Potential Coastal and Marine Protected Areas (CMPA) of the Indo-German Biodiversity Programme.
The Ruford FoundationOverseas2014-2015605258Continuation of monitoring of 9 vulture feeding grounds with the help of local community rangers. Focussed awareness drives with the help of Animal Husbandry Department around 9 vulture feeding grounds. Ensure higher number of villagers use vulture safe carcass dumping ground
PegigreenOverseas2014-201591977Continue protection given to vulture nests through regular monitoring by locals Compensation to the coconut owners for the produce forgone due to vulture nesting Continue awareness drives involving locals and Government Departments

Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra Contact details

Address Swami, House no. 1224-G, Pag, Opp. bypass road,Mumbai Goa Highway, Chiplun, Dist. Ratnagiri, Maharashtra 415605.
City Chiplun
Telephone 02355-253030
Mobile No 9423831700
Website Url
E-mail sahyadricpn(at)gmail[dot]com

Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Ratnagiri

Operational States: MAHARASHTRA

AchieveMents: Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra (SNM) is a leading non-governmental organization (NGO) of Maharashtra, engaged in nature conservation, education and research. SNM started its work in Maharashtra’s Konkan region in 1992, and despite limited manpower and resources, successfully organized various types of conservation projects. Of the7 species of marine turtles found throughout the world, 5 are found on the Indian coast, all 5 being listed in Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Marine turtles are also included in the Red List of IUCN. In 2002, SNM started a Marine Turtle Conservation Project for the first time in Maharashtra, in Velas in Ratnagiri district, protecting 50 Olive Ridley Turtle nests and releasing 2734 hatchlings into the sea. Over the next three years, we expanded this work to cover the entire 720 km coastline of Maharashtra. In course of the last seven years, 530 nests have been protected and over 25,000 hatchlings released into the sea. SNM has also kept up a sustained awareness campaign in Maharashtra’s coastal villages. From 2004, we have instituted the Turtle Friend Award given to individuals or organizations doing outstanding work in turtle conservation. The award includes Rs. 5000/-, a trophy and a certificate. In 2006, a booklet written by Ram Mone and Bhau Katdare, was published. This booklet was distributed free of charge to volunteers all over the coast of Maharashtra. The booklet has also been translated into Gujarati by Mr. Parthiv Sanghavi, and published in March, 2008. Marine Turtle Conservation and Awareness through Community Participation in Maharashtra, this project has been implemented in 5 coastal villages in Ratnagiri district, Maharashtra. The project was aimed at increasing community participation in marine turtle conservation, as well as developing related livelihood activities. In March 2009, a DVD in Marathi, titled Kasava Tuzyach Sathi was published. It covers the entire lifecycle of the Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea)and measures for its conservation. A group of villagers in Velas have formed the Kasav Mitra Mandal to provide lodging and boarding facilities to Turtle Tourists. A small percentage of the profits derived from such Turtle Tourism is donated to a Marine Turtle Conservation Fund. This fund is utilized for Marine Turtle conservation activities in the village. Having proved to be a success at Velas, this activity is now being promoted at other Turtle Villages. Marine Turtle Knowledge Information Centre (MTKIC) An information centre focused on Marine turtles has been developed at Velas. It is housed in a 20’ x 20’ shed where the entire lifecycle of Marine Turtles has been displayed on panels using photographs and detailed information. The Centre may be visited free of charge. Study of the White-rumped Vulture The White-rumped Vulture (Gyps bengalensis), classified as critically endangered by IUCN, has suffered a 95 % population decline in India. Use of Diclofenac in the veterinary sector, low breeding success and food scarcity have been identified as the main causes. While monitoring a nesting colony over a 3 year period, we observed many instances of false incubation, possibly resulting from food shortage. We also found that the relatively new practice of burying livestock carcasses was leading to unavailability of an important source of carrion for the vultures. We arranged to feed the vultures in the nesting colony at Anjarla in an attempt to overcome both these threats. This experiment yielded positive results, with false incubation declining from 45 % to 13 % while the breeding success increased from 16 % to 40 %. Prevention of Indian Swiftlet Nest Robbery in India In 2001, SNM uncovered an international smuggling racket involving nests of the Indian Swiftlet (Collocalia unicolor) from Vengurla Rocks, an island about 20 km off the shore of Vengurla in Sindhudurg district. The nest robbery was stopped with the help of the Forest Department. Our sustained efforts thereafter led to the species being included in Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act. Vengurla Rocks is also a breeding ground for Terns. Overcoming various difficulties in accessing the island in monsoon, the breeding season of the terns, we managed to reach the site in June, 2001 and report authentic records regarding Tern breeding. Study of the White-bellied Sea Eagle From 1996, SNM began documentation of the endangered White-bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster ) and completed a status survey in two districts of Maharashtra, discovering a total of 105 nests. Between 1996 and 2000, nests of the bird were monitored in every breeding season. In 2000, the breeding biology of this eagle was studied in detail using closed circuit cameras, this being the first time in India that such data was obtained on this species. SNM continues to work on the conservation of the White-bellied Sea Eagle. Bird Studies Realising that very little scientific data is available on most local species, we have started scientific studies of some local bird species. Valuable information on the breeding biology of 22 bird species has been collected and published. Project Mangrove (with BNHS) Mangroves, an important part of the coastal ecosystem, are under threat everywhere. This led us to start Mangrove Conservation activities. We have begun an awareness campaign on the Konkan coast with the help of the BNHS. A film show, a slide show, a photo exhibition and lectures have been organized to make coastal communities aware of the importance of mangrove forests.