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Women Organisation For Rural Development Ngo In Kendujhar Orissa

WOMEN ORGANISATION FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT Non Governmental Organization is located in Kendujhar ORISSA .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No 19348/67 of 1992-93
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name Society Registration Act XXI of 1860
City of Registration Kendujhar
State of Registration ORISSA
Date of Registration 07-11-1992

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes

FRCA Registartion Number: 104970023


Pramila Panda PandaChief FunctionaryAvailableAvailable
Dolli Dash DashChairmanAvailableAvailable
Pramila Panda PandaSecretaryAvailableAvailable
Santilata Samal SamalTreasurerAvailableAvailable
Chitra Nayak NayakMemberAvailableAvailable
Sulochana Penthei PentheiAsisstant SecretaryAvailableAvailable
Sarmistha Natha NathMemberAvailableAvailable
Jhilli Puhan PuhanVice ChairmanAvailableAvailable


Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT KEONJHARState2014-201546000Create awareness among the farmers on Seed Treatment for good production.
NABARD KEONJHARState2014-201516000To create an awareness among the community on savings and expenditure in proper manner
NABARD KEONJHARState2014-2015Not SpecifiedPromotion of Women SHGs for Self Reliance and development of their livelihood.
NABARD KEONJHARState2014-201518000Strengthen and capable the SHGs through Micro Enterprise Development Programme
NHM KEONJHARState2014-201580800Trained the ANM for challenges of difficulties.
NYK KEONJHARState2014-201525000For excellence of different developmental programme
NYK KEONJHARState2014-201520000Involvement of community in health, education and sanitation activities
NAWO DRCOverseas2014-2015210000Capacity building among the women PRI leaders to address the gender issues and add gender based agenda at Panchayat Level
DEVELOPMENT FOCUS BANGALORE Overseas2014-2015Not SpecifiedStrengthening the Primary Education.
DEVELOPMENT FOCUS BANGALORE Overseas2014-2015404200Stop the child marriage cases.
DEVELOPMENT FOCUS BANGALOREOverseas2014-2015Not SpecifiedTo remove the T.B. disease
ANDHERI HILFE BONNOverseas2014-20151040000Strengthen the Women, self reliance and promoted their livelihood
FOREST AND ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENTState2015-201612000 To protect the Environment and Forest in Society
DWCState2015-201651900 Trained the SHG member to implement the different developmental programme and addressing their financial crisis.
NHM KEONJHARState2015-201647390Trained the ASHA for Challenges of Difficulties.
DWSM KEONJHARState2015-201612000Provide a Individual Household Latrine and free from diseases to open field.
NABARD KEONJHARState2015-201613000Creating awareness on savings, expenditure and updating of digital life.
NAWO Overseas2015-201654000Strengthen the Women and create awareness on lobby and advocacy.
DEVELOPMENT FOCUS BANGALOREOverseas2015-2016Not SpecifiedStop the child marriage below the age group of 18 years and create awareness on consequence of early child marriage.
ANDHERI HILFE BONNOverseas2015-20161198400Capacity building of women and self reliance.
DWSM KEONJHARState2016-201712000To provide the individual house hold latrine instead of open field. Free from virus related diseases.
NHM KEONJHARState2016-2017Not SpecifiedTrained the ASHA on different issues of Women Children and Adolescents
NABARD KEONJHARState2016-2017Not SpecifiedStrengthen the Grassroots level people on maintenance of their livelihood
BDO TELKOIState2016-201711000Create awareness on social inclusion policy among people.
Andherihilfe BonnOverseas2016-20171093540Strengthen the Women, self reliance and promoted their livelihood.
DWSM KEONJHARState2017-201812000Provide a Individual Household Latrine and free from diseases to open field.
NHM KEONJHARState2017-2018115200Provide AVDS to the children for immunization
NABARD KEONJHARState2017-2018Not SpecifiedCapacity building of grassroots people by providing vocational training programme.
NABARD KEONJHARState2017-2018160000Provide a clean
BDO TELKOIState2017-2018Not SpecifiedCreate awareness on social inclusion policy among people.
SIRD AND PANCHAYAT RAJ DEPARTMENTState2017-201889597Trained the PRI leaders on different aspect for development of Gram Panchayat.
Andherihilfe BonnOverseas2017-2018595923Strengthen the Women, self reliance and promoted their livelihood.
Andheri Hilfe BonnOverseas2018-2019983944Capacity building of Women SHG and Federation for Natural resource management
State Institute of Rural Development State2018-20191604511Organised training program for PR representatives on GPDP.
DWSMState2018-20194716000constructed IHHL for the tribal s of Padang GP
Health and Family Welfare State2018-2019116709Distributed the Vaccines in out reach area of Telkoi block through AVD
Health and Family Welfare State2018-2019135753Organised training for ASHAs at Telkoi block
NABARD State2018-201964420Training for the SHGs leaders on Leadership building and Micro enterprise
Agriculture and Food ProductionState2018-201942000Youths of 3 block were trained through training on Advance method of vegetable cultivation.


Address At: Khajuria, Po: Akul, Via: Sirigida, Dist: Keondujhar, PIN: 758076, Orissa, India
City Kendujhar
Telephone 06735-264041
Mobile No 9437251373
Website Url
E-mail wordkjr(at)rediffmail[dot]com

WOMEN ORGANISATION FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Kendujhar, Debagarh

Operational States: ORISSA

AchieveMents: 106 nos. of SHGs promoted in 2 Districts 197 person sensitized on the laws and penal code for Trafficking. One federation formed and strengthened and addressed violence against women issue. 300 SHGs trained on different Micro enterprises and benefited through it. .