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Jan Shikshan Sansthan Dimapur Ngo In Dimapur Nagaland

Jan Shikshan Sansthan Dimapur Non Governmental Organization is located in Dimapur NAGALAND .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No H/RS-3667
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name Registration of Societies Act,1960
City of Registration Dimapur
State of Registration NAGALAND
Date of Registration 18-06-2004

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? NO

Jan Shikshan Sansthan Dimapur NGO Organization Members

MARTEMJEN AOField OfficerAvailableAvailable
Asangla ImliChief FunctionaryAvailableAvailable
Limasunep SangtamChairmanAvailableAvailable

Jan Shikshan Sansthan Dimapur Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Ministry of HRDCentral2014-20152966500vocational skills
MINISTRY OF HRDCentral2015-20162948730For providing Vocational Training Programme
MINISTRY OF HRDCentral2016-20172621989For providing Vocational Training Programme
Ministry of HRDCentral2017-2018800000For providing vocational training programme.
Ministry of Skill Development and EnterpreneurshipCentral2018-20192442640For providing vocational training programme
Ministry of Skill Development and EntrepreneurshipCentral2019-20205000000For providing vocational training programme
Ministry of Skill Development and EntrepreneurshipCentral2020-20214999200Expenditure for vocational courses
Ministry of Skill Development and EntrepreneurshipCentral2021-20224999150Expenditure for vocational courses

Jan Shikshan Sansthan Dimapur Contact details

Address Jan Shikshan Sansthan, 133, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur, Nagaland. 797112
City Dimapur
Telephone 03862-225172
Mobile No 9971197230
Website Url Not Available
E-mail jss_duncandmp(at)yahoo[dot]

Jan Shikshan Sansthan Dimapur Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Dimapur

Operational States: NAGALAND

AchieveMents: 1. Approx of 23000 beneficiaries have been trained. 2. A beneficiary from the course Cutting and Tailoring is working at the NIFT Hyderabad with the post of Designer.

Key Issues

Vocational Training,