AchieveMents: Achievements in 500 words.
1. A new system of 20 community toilets attached with biogas plant is developed and installed in Akoli (Jahahngir) village in Akola district. Approximately 400 people are using this toilet. The Biogas produced is used by a poor family living near the toilet area. The Biogas slurry produced is made pathogen free by Solar drying and is used as organic manure by the village people.
2. Micro ââ¬â Kitchen Garden Technique:- Micro kitchen garden development techniques was developed which is adopted by number of farmers in villages. This technique fulfills the need of vegetable consumption & proved very useful & nutritious to the poor families.
3. Total 837 kitchen gardens are developed in 30 villages of 3 blocks of Wardha district. Similarly kitchen gardens are also developed by school children in 11 villages of 3 blocks of Wardha district.
4. Approximately 70-75% women were found anemic ( Hb 7-( gms) in different villages before kitchen garden development. It was observed that the women who developed kitchen garden in their house and consumed ample of fresh vegetables, their haemoglobin were increased to 10-12gms in 6-8 months after regular consumption of vegetables. And this improvement remained consistently maintained and increased every year since previous 5 years.
5. A short video- film of 15 minutes is prepared to demonstrate the success stories of kitchen garden activity.
6. Experiments were made to prepare biogas food waste along with cowdung. It was observed that 100% food waste alon with only 30 % cowdung produce 82% more biogas. Based on these findings Arti model Biogas plant was installed in 3 villages of Wardha Seloo and Deoli blocks of Wardha District. The biogas plants are fully functional and used by beneficiary women after 3 years of installation even after the withdrawal of project.
7. Flower waste is collected from different temples of Wardha and converted into compost. The compost is used for kitchen garden development.
8. Vocational trainings on electric fitting and motor rewinding were organized in 6 different villages. It has provided the opportunity of self employment to rural youth.
9. Training on cutting and Tailoring were provided to young women and girls in 6 villages of Seloo block of Wardha district. After taking training approximately 12 women (2 from each village) has started their own tailoring shop in the village. This is proved to be very successful exercise for women empowerment.
10. Agro- Industry School (evening school) was organized for 2 months in one village. It was organized in total 6 villages of Seloo block of Wardha district. During this school the well established organic farmers gave both theoretical and practical training on organic farming to the local village farmers. It was also followed by the exposure visits to the organic farmers. It has created motivation and confidence in local farmers and they have started doing organic farming on part of their agricultural land.