SAMRIDHI Key Issues and
Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: Purbi Singhbhum
Operational States: JHARKHAND
AchieveMents: Land and Water Management : As a part of wastland development programme under national Horticulture Mission Samridhi has planted cashew in 202.92 hectare and mango in 130 hectare of land in Chakulia Block of East Singhbhum District of Jharkhand. A model nurseries has also been developed in 4 hectares land in Chakulia Block and two nurseries of 1 hectare each in Bahragora and Dhalbhum garh block of east singhbum district. Samridhi has also introduced various methods of micro irrigarion in the respective blocks. More than 180 farmers have been benefitted with this initative.
Women Empowerment : 11 Self Help Groups have been empowered at village level. They are currently engaged in group savings andinterloaning
Children : 10 Bal groups have been formed in 10 villages to monitor their own rights.
Environment: Workshops have been conducted in schools for sensetizing pupils towards the effect of climate change. Plantation has also been encouraged.
Health and HIV/ AIDS: Awareness programees on various health issues and HIV/ AIDS have been conducted.
Coducted various study on Adolescents reproductive and sexual health, maternal and Infant Survival Projects, etc.
Initiated Distance Education programme on Rural Development for grass root level functionaries.