Certified that Rs 7007 recived by Trustees for the year ended on 31.03.2017 as Donetion which are cliamed as donetion towrods
Not Specified
Any Other
Not Specified
Certified that rs0.00 recived by Trustees for the year ended on 31.03.2018 As Donetion which are claimed as donation towords
Not Specified
Any Other
Not Specified
Certified that Rs 0.00 recieved by Trustees for the year ended on 31.03.2019 As Donation which are claimed as donation towords Corpus recievd with speciefic direction that shall form part of the corpusof the public trust or any Earmarked Fund of capital nature
Not Specified
Any Other
Not Specified
Certified that Rs 0.00 recieved by Trustees for the year ended on 31.03.2019 As Donation which are claimed as donation towords Corpus recievd with speciefic direction that shall form part of the corpusof the public trust or any Earmarked Fund of capital nature