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Surbhi Computer And Education Samiti Fatehpur Ngo In Sikar Rajasthan

Surbhi Computer And Education Samiti Fatehpur Ngo Information

Surbhi computer and education samiti Fatehpur Non Governmental Organization is located in Sikar RAJASTHAN .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No 168
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name Act of 1958
City of Registration Sikar
State of Registration RAJASTHAN
Date of Registration 17-12-2014

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? NO

Surbhi computer and education samiti Fatehpur NGO Organization Members

Kalu Ram Tanan SecretaryAvailableAvailable
Mahendra SharmaMemberAvailableAvailable
Raghuveer MaharshiMemberAvailableAvailable
Hem Chand VermaChairmanAvailableAvailable
Manoj KumarTreasurerAvailableAvailable

Surbhi computer and education samiti Fatehpur Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Not SpecifiedAny Other2014-2015Not SpecifiedSources of Funds External Sources Long Term Sources A Share Capital The most important source of funds for a limited company It is often considered as permanent capital as it is not repaid by the business but the shareholder can have a share in the profit called dividend Three types of shares are Ordinary shares: The most common types of shares and the most riskiest shares Dividend depends on the profit of firm But all ordinary shareholders have voting rights Preference share
Not SpecifiedAny Other2015-2016Not SpecifiedSources of Funds External Sources Long Term Sources A Share Capital The most important source of funds for a limited company It is often considered as permanent capital as it is not repaid by the business but the shareholder can have a share in the profit called dividend Three types of shares are Ordinary shares: The most common types of shares and the most riskiest shares Dividend depends on the profit of firm But all ordinary shareholders have voting rights Preference share
Not SpecifiedAny Other2016-2017Not SpecifiedSources of Funds External Sources Long Term Sources A Share Capital The most important source of funds for a limited company It is often considered as permanent capital as it is not repaid by the business but the shareholder can have a share in the profit called dividend Three types of shares are Ordinary shares: The most common types of shares and the most riskiest shares Dividend depends on the profit of firm But all ordinary shareholders have voting rights Preference share

Contact details

Address Near Chamria Oshdhalay HP Gas Agency Road Ward No-18 Fatehpur Shekhwati Sikar 332301
City Sikar
Telephone Not Available
Mobile No 9983172621
Website Url Not Available
E-mail parveencomputer884(at)gmail[dot]com

Surbhi computer and education samiti Fatehpur Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts:

Operational States:

AchieveMents: Women Welfare and training Providing them training and giving them environment where they can freely do their initiatives Child welfare and educations training to those children who are not capable to afford the high feeSource of fund Sa Sources of Funds External Sources Long Term Sources A Share Capital The most important source of funds for a limited company It is often considered as permanent capital as it is not repaid by the business but the shareholder can have a share in the profit Saras