Department Name | Source | Finacial Year | Amount Sanctioned | Purpose |
ITDA | State | 2016-2017 | 1380000 | With the objective to ensure livelihoods and food security of the Poor tribal households to sustainably improve through promoting a more efficient, equitable, self-managed and sustainable exploitation of the natural resources at their disposal and through off-farm/non-farm enterprise development, WOSCA has been implementing OTELP Plus project in 23 Tribal villages of Harichandanpur Block covering 3636 households. This is the first year of implementation phase. During this year focus has been giv |
ITDA | State | 2016-2017 | 1380000 | With the objective to ensure livelihoods and food security of the Poor tribal households to sustainably improve through promoting a more efficient, equitable, self-managed and sustainable exploitation of the natural resources at their disposal and through off-farm/non-farm enterprise development, WOSCA has been implementing OTELP Plus project in 23 Tribal villages of Harichandanpur Block covering 3636 households. This is the first year of implementation phase. During this year focus has been giv |
State Social Welfare Board | State | 2016-2017 | 42384 | During this year, we had 25 children of which 18 were boys and 7 were girls. In the centre, children are cared for like homely members. The Ayas attend to the daily needs which include personal hygiene, food and medication. Doctor of the Public Healthcare Centre attends to the medical needs of the children. The Ayas / Social Workers attending to them have to look after them in the same way as one would take care of an infant, i.e, complete personal hygiene, preventive action for communicable dis |
National Rural Health Mission | State | 2013-2014 | 836400 | In the Maa Gruha managed by WOSCA, our social workers also take care of housekeeping of the Maa Gruha and address the counselling as well as recreational needs of patients and attendants. The service of a gynaecologist is provided on daily basis. The patients are also counselledregularly. Total 241 pregnant mothers were admitted in this year. Total 210 live birth was realized. To the inmates of the waiting Home, health check up and nutrition are provided in free of cost. |
ITDA | State | 2013-2014 | 505055 | To enable the poor households to sustainably ensure their livelihoods and food security through promoting a more efficient, equitable, self-managed, optimum use of the natural resources, off-firm / non-firm enterprise development and accessing the rights and entitlement due to them, Department of ST |
ITDA | State | 2015-2016 | 1106129 | In this year, major focus was given on Land |
National Rural Health Mission | State | 2015-2016 | 1113900 | In this year, total 52 village level awareness meetings have been conducted at the outreach villages to disseminate the messages on MNCH services and to promote awareness among community on the facilities available at MWH. 96 counseling sessions have been conducted to raise the inmatesâ awareness on MNCH care. Total 431 pregnant mothers were admitted and 414 delivery was registered. |
National Rural Health Mission | State | 2014-2015 | 1113900 | In this year, 356 mothers have been admitted out of which 33 from PTG. A total of 331 deliveries have been done through MWH. 72 counseling sessions have been conducted to raise the inmatesâ awareness on MNCH care. Total of 116 village level awareness sessions have been conducted at the outreach villages to disseminate the messages on MNCH services and to promote awareness among community on the facilities available at MWH. |
ITDA | State | 2014-2015 | 3103000 | This year, 52 trainings and 12 exposure visits were organised on different components of OTELP Plus Project at Harichandanpur. Through participatory approach, 26 community need based projects have been identified and implemented by the community itself. Simultaneously, scope for self employment are being created by providing different trainings like driving, nursing, Fishery, Improved cooking wood stove, Preparation of Agarbati etc. |