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Agent For Social Change Ngo In Imphal Manipur

Agent for Social Change Non Governmental Organization is located in Imphal MANIPUR .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No 24 (UD)/SR of 1998
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name Registration of Societies Act of 1998
City of Registration Imphal
State of Registration MANIPUR
Date of Registration 29-12-1998

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes

FRCA Registartion Number: 194130248

Agent for Social Change NGO Organization Members

N Gokul Chandra Gokul ChandraSecretaryAvailableAvailable
NS SOCHIPEM SochipemTreasurerAvailableAvailable
Saikhom Inakhunbi DeviMemberAvailableAvailable
Laishram Jeki SinghMemberAvailableAvailable

Agent for Social Change Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Not SpecifiedState2015-2016Not SpecifiedNot Specified
Not SpecifiedCentral2015-2016Not SpecifiedNot Specified
Not SpecifiedOverseas2015-2016Not SpecifiedNot Specified
Not SpecifiedState2013-2014Not SpecifiedNot Specified
Not SpecifiedCentral2013-2014Not SpecifiedNot Specified
Not SpecifiedOverseas2013-2014Not SpecifiedNot Specified
Commerce and Industry DepartmentState2014-2015Not SpecifiedAwareness/ Workshop / Seminar on Food Processing
Not SpecifiedCentral2014-2015Not SpecifiedNot Specified
Not SpecifiedOverseas2014-2015Not SpecifiedNot Specified
Not SpecifiedAny Other2016-2017Not SpecifiedMembership Contribution, Community Mobilization, Local Mobilization, TDS return, Bank Interest

Agent for Social Change Contact details

Address Agent for Social Change (ASOC) Co: Youth Hostel Building, Khuman Lampak, Imphal, P.O. Imphal - 795001, Manipur
City Imphal
Telephone 0986-2223897
Mobile No 9402956888
Website Url Not Available
E-mail asoc[dot]manipur(at)

Agent for Social Change Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Ukhrul

Operational States: MANIPUR

AchieveMents: The Agent for Social Change (ASOC) is a charitable, non profit making and multi-sectoral voluntary organization working without distinction of caste, creed, religion and community for the welfare and upliftment of the poor, marginalized and disables in our society. It was formed by a group of likeminded people having different background and experiences in social works. It was established in the year 1994 and registered under Manipur Societies Regulation Act of 1989 in the year 1998. Activities of the ASOC are as follow: Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV (PPTCT) Project, Seminar cum Workshop Programme on Food Processing. Awareness Programme on Collection of Seasonal Wild vegetables, fungus and fruits, Climate Change & Mitigation, Awareness Programme on Agriculture, Biodiversity Conservation, Bird Flue awareness, Child Education, Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) programme, Community Food Security, Community Sanitation & Hygiene, Globalization, Conflict resolution, Aromatic Plants Cultivation, Conservation of Wetland & Protection of Wild life, Conservation of water: Rain water harvesting and Gravitational water management. Disaster management, Eco-tourism & Community employment, Deforestation & Jhum cultivation, Mega Dams: Development & Impacts to local communities, Employment generation, Fishery, Entrepreneurship awareness, Floriculture, Agricultural Cooperative, Food Security Awareness, Gender & Women Empowerment, Herbal Medicine: Traditional knowledge & Practice, HIV-AIDS: Stigma & Discrimination, Human Rights, HIV-AIDS & Disability, Livelihood & Sustainable Development, Awareness Programme on HIV – TB Co-infection, Horticulture, Indigenous & tribal rights & ownership on natural resources. Awareness Programme on Malaria Awareness, Awareness Programme on Information Technology (I.T), Awareness Programme on Local Capacity for Peace (LCP), Health Awareness Programme and organizing Medical Camp, Optimum Utilization of forest resources, Micro - credit awareness, Networking, Alliance building and coordination, Organic farming, Project Planning and management, Pollution Control, Protection and Conservation of Forest, Environment & Ecology, Preservation & Protection of Indigenous & Tribal Symbolic, Articles / objects / monuments, Reproductive Child Health (RCH), SHG Awareness, Rain water harvesting, Soil Conservation, Renewable Energy: Wind, Solar & micro-hydel, Solid Waste management , TB , Watershed management, Trafficking: Child & Girl, Traditional Birth Attendance & Dias. Sensitization on Trans ASEAN Highway & Look Acts Policy, Sensitization on Good Governance and Democratization, Sensitization on Racism and Discrimination, Sensitization on Militarization and AFSPA 1958 (as a part of Human Rights prog), Upliftment of Socially marginal groups, Awareness Programme of Widows and Destitute women, Adolescent, Violence against Women and Girl child, Infectious diseases, Sensitization on Leadership Development Programme, Awareness Programme on Entrepreneurship