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Iswar Ngo In Dhenkanal Orissa

Iswar Ngo Information

ISWAR Non Governmental Organization is located in Dhenkanal ORISSA .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No DKL/1955/298 of 88/89
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name SR Act XXI of 1860
City of Registration Dhenkanal
State of Registration ORISSA
Date of Registration 27-03-1989

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes

FRCA Registartion Number: 104890040

ISWAR NGO Organization Members

Pintu MohantyTreasurerAvailableAvailable
Hrusikesh BeheraMemberAvailableAvailable
Satrughna RoutMemberAvailableAvailable
AMARENDRA MALLADirectorAvailableAvailable
MAHENDRA KUMAR ROUTChairmanAvailableAvailable
DHANURDHAR SAHOOVice ChairmanAvailableAvailable
KANHU CHARAN DEBATAMemberAvailableAvailable

ISWAR Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Swachha Bharat Mission, Construction of ToiletsState2014-2015Not SpecifiedDistrict Water & sanitation Committee, Dhenkanal
Capacity building of watershed stake holdersState2013-2014Not SpecifiedWatershed Mission
To organise rual councelling centersCentral2013-2014Not SpecifiedMinistry of Youth affairs & soirts
Not SpecifiedOverseas2013-2014Not SpecifiedNot Specified
Adoclscent development programmeCentral2014-2015Not SpecifiedMinistry of Youth Affairs & sports
Not SpecifiedOverseas2014-2015Not SpecifiedNot Specified
Rural DevelopmentState2015-2016683284District Water & Sanitation Committee Provide funds for construction of individual toilet.
Youth Affairs SportsCentral2015-2016115200It was last year grant have been released in current year
Department of Agriculture Government of OdishaState2015-2016937029Being Training Provider we had conducted various capacity building of different IWMP-I, IWMP-II, IWMP-III.
Department of Agriculture and CoopprationState2016-2017884312Grant-in-aid received for organizing Capacity Building Training
Department of PR and Drinking WaterState2016-2017533822Fund received for construction of Individual Toilets for Rural Households.
Department of PR and Drinking WaterState2017-20181363487Fund received for construction of Individual Toilets for Rural Households.
DWSMState2018-20193752000The grant received for construction of Individual Household Latrine in rural areas under Gondia block of Dhenkanal district.

Contact details

Address ISWAR (Institute of Social Work and Action Research) At/Po- Chirulei, Via- Mahimagadi, Dist.- Dhenkanal, Odisha
City Dhenkanal
Telephone 06762-226524
Mobile No 9439542814
Website Url
E-mail iswar_dkl(at)yahoo[dot]com

ISWAR Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Anugul , Baudh, Dhenkanal, Anugul , Baudh, Dhenkanal, Sundargarh

Operational States: ORISSA

AchieveMents: Health & Education We have been acting as Mother NGO ( Nodal Agency) for the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India since 2001/02. We had runned 100 nos of Non Formal Education Centre programme under assistance from the Deptt of Elementory Education, Ministry of HRD Govt. of India, We also established a Rural Buuilding Cen