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Jagrati Yuwa Manch Samiti Ngo In Panna Madhya Pradesh

Jagrati Yuwa manch Samiti Non Governmental Organization is located in Panna MADHYA PRADESH .

Registration Details

Registered With Registrar of Societies
Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government)
Registration No 300
Copy of Registration Certificate Available
Copy of Pan Card Available
Act name Society Registration Act 1973
City of Registration Panna
State of Registration MADHYA PRADESH
Date of Registration 02-06-1992

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes

FRCA Registartion Number: 063590001

Jagrati Yuwa manch Samiti NGO Organization Members

Ram lakhan tiwariSecretaryAvailableAvailable
Rajesh ShuklaVice PresidentAvailableAvailable
Sheel KumariMemberAvailableAvailable
VIJAY KUMAR TIWARIPresidentAvailableAvailable
VEERENDRA KUMAR UPADHYAYJoint SecretaryAvailableAvailable
KHUSHBOO DUBEYMemberAvailableAvailable

Jagrati Yuwa manch Samiti Source Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
MP State Aids Control Society BhopalState2016-20174069290it was great experience on this project , we are done this project 100%
NHMState2017-20181800000PLA is the save to new born child and mother save from her pregnancy, this is the great experience in our life
MP Aids control Society State2018-20195158758Targeted Intervention and LWS is good opportunity for us.
NHM MPSACS PLA RNTCPState2019-20209332523still we are working on the project
National Health Mission State2020-20211286140National Health Mission (NHM) in MP, JYMS in association with EKJUT implement a program to improve the health and nutrition indicators [especially to reduce IMR
Madhya Pradesh State Aids Control Society State2020-20212902018The Link Worker Scheme under National AIDS Control Programme IV has been designed specifically to address populations with high risk behaviors (including High Risk Groups and Bridge Populations) with the premise that there are significant numbers in rural areas and we needs to be reach out to them in order to saturate the coverage of these groups. Jagrati Yuwa Manch Samiti implemanted Link Worker Scheme in Mandla District.
Madhya Pradesh State Aids Control Society State2020-20211604919NACP IV will take into account the fact that many of the states with emerging epidemics and higher vulnerabilities are those with relatively poor health infrastructure, weak implementation capacities, issues around governance and limited ownership of the program. This Phase will specifically focus on these areas and will reach out to the high risk, vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups by ensuring effective delivery of HIV services. Jagrti Yuva Manch Samiti implemented T.I. in Jablpur district mp
Madhya Pradesh State Aids Control Society State2020-20211960747NACP IV will take into account the fact that many of the states with emerging epidemics and higher vulnerabilities are those with relatively poor health infrastructure, weak implementation capacities, issues around governance and limited ownership of the program. This Phase will specifically focus on these areas and will reach out to the high risk, vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups by ensuring effective delivery of HIV services. Jagrti Yuva Manch Samiti implemented T.I. in Jablpur district mp
NABARD Bhopal Madhya PradeshCentral2020-2021180000Jagrti Yuva Manch Samiti has farmed nearly 39 farmers club covering 50 villages of Shahnagar Block during and motivational monthly orientation meetings were conducted More than 500 farmers were organized under the Farmers clubs .

Jagrati Yuwa manch Samiti Contact details

Address Jagrati Yuwa Manch Samiti Power House Colony, Shahnagar District Panna (M.P.) Pincode - 488448
City Panna
Telephone 07734-265313
Mobile No 9179780635
Website Url
E-mail jymindia[dot]org(at)

Jagrati Yuwa manch Samiti Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements

Operational Districts: Chhatarpur, Panna, Satna, Jabalpur, Mandla, Katni

Operational States: MADHYA PRADESH

AchieveMents: Major Achievement of JYMSWOMEN- EMPOWERMENT Women of SHGs, Formation of Federation of women groups, Access to Government Schemes through Awareness, Awareness on Tuberculosis Disease, Safe Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Conservation of Energy, Girls Education, Water Conservation, Environmental Awareness, Live Stock Management, Deaddiction, Organic Farming, Gender Equality, Forest Land Rights, Employment Guarantee Act, Strengthening CBOs, Awareness on HIV AIDS, H R Management