Prerak Ngo In Gariyaband Chhattisgarh

Prerak Ngo Information
PRERAK Non Governmental Organization is located in Gariyaband CHHATTISGARH .
Registration Details
Registered With | Registrar of Societies |
Type of NGO | Registered Societies (Non-Government) |
Registration No | 22239 |
Copy of Registration Certificate | Available |
Copy of Pan Card | Available |
Act name | M P Society Registration act 1973 |
City of Registration | Gariyaband |
State of Registration | CHHATTISGARH |
Date of Registration | 28-06-1989 |
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes
FRCA Registartion Number: 327520012PRERAK NGO Organization Members
Name | Designation | Pan | Aadhaar |
Ramgulal Sinha | President | Available | Available |
Vatsala Shrivastava | Secretary | Available | Available |
Ravidas Wande | Joint Secretary | Available | Available |
Bhupendridevi Jaiswal | Board Member | Available | Available |
Lokeshwari Negi | Treasurer | Available | Available |
Prem Lata Patel | Vice President | Available | Available |
Deepak Kumar Sahu | Board Member | Available | Available |
Yugal Thakur | Board Member | Available | Available |
PRERAK Source Funds
Department Name | Source | Finacial Year | Amount Sanctioned | Purpose |
SwissAid India | Overseas | 2014-2015 | 844000 | Sustainable Agriculture Promotion for Tribal people in Gariyaband district of Chhattisgarh State. |
Key Stone Foundation | Overseas | 2014-2015 | 1890000 | Eco-System Alliance India Program for Environmental Issues. |
SwissAid India | Overseas | 2014-2015 | 3405253 | Promotion of Sustainable Tribal Livelihood in Gariyaband District. |
Jan Vikash Samiti | Overseas | 2014-2015 | 1284250 | Intervention for Social Inclusion and Rehabilitation of the Children with Special Needs. |
Oxfam India | Overseas | 2014-2015 | 1780000 | Inclusive education for mainstreaming children with disabilities in regular schools under RtE Act. |
Key Stone Foundation | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 1188950 | Eco-System Alliance India Program for Environmental issues. |
SwissAid | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 24000 | National Bio-diversity Campaign |
SwissAid | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 1628831 | Promotion of Sustainable Tribal Livelihood. |
Jan Vikash Samiti | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 1523050 | Intervention for social inclusion and rehabilitation of Children with special needs. |
Oxfam India | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 1706153 | Inclusive education for mainstreaming children with disabilities in regular schools under RtE Act. |
SwissAid | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 141500 | Capacity Building Program. |
Keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 4253400 | People empowerment through accessing rights on forest, land and water. |
Keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 1515330 | Empowering women through Biodiversity conservation and organic agricultural practices. |
SwissAid | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 2604170 | Promotion of community based indigenous seed systems. |
SwissAid | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 4885569 | Promotion of sustainable tribal livelihood. |
Jan Vikash Samiti | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 1255464 | Intervention for social inclusion and rehabilitation of the children with special needs. |
Oxfam India | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 1000000 | Inclusive education for mainstreaming children with disabilities in regular schools under RtE Act. |
Jan vikas samiti | Overseas | 2020-2021 | 535000 | With the support by this project we are providing the direct supports to the 100 Nos od Chiuldrens with disabilities and other 640 Indirect childrens with disabilities got the benefits of health , education and nutrition by this project . Differents categories of intellectual disabilities like Visual impact, Mentally irited , Orthopedic disabilities , Hearing impact childrens are geeting currative and referral service , daily living skills and physiotherapy , speech therapy service providing t |
Oxfam India | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 1014678 | Inclusive Education for Mainstreaming Children with disabilities in Regular school Under RTE Act At 93 Villages Block - Fingeshwar District - Gariyaband (Chhattisgarh) |
Keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 5267100 | Peoples Empowerment Through Accessing Rights on forest land and Water and Sustainable Livelihood Practices |
Keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 216213 | Peoples Empowerment Through Accessing Rights on forest land and Water and Sustainable Livelihood Practices |
Jan Viksh Samiti | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 1000000 | Inclusive Development for the Children and Youngsters With disability |
keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 772000 | Tribal Empowerment Th rue Using Diversity |
SWISSAID INDIA | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 2153631 | Community Based Indigenous Seed System |
SWISSAID INDIA | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 2766450 | Promotion of sustainable Tribal Livelihood PRERAK Kawardha in 24 Village District Kabeerdham |
SWISSAID INDIA | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 2552161 | Promotion of sustainable Tribal Livelihood in 20 Village Block Gariyaband District Gariyaband |
Keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2017-2018 | 433311 | Empowering Woman Through Biodiversity Conservation and Organic Agriculture Practices |
Keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 397000 | Regional Level Meeting On Current situation and implementation of forest Right Act ; Marketing And Minimum Support Price of NTFPS ; Mining Issues in Affected forest area and Community Rehabilitation. |
SWISSAID | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 2714246 | Promotion of sustainable Tribal Livelihood in Central India |
SWISSAID | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 1985182 | Promotion of Sustainable Tribal Livelihood in Central India at Bodla Block District - Kabeerdham |
SWISSAID | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 765304 | Community Based Indigenous Seed System , at District Mahasamund , Dhamtari and Gariyaband |
Keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 717600 | Using Diversity Program At Block Mainpur District - Gariyaband PVTG Community (Kamar) and Block Pali Podi Distict - Korba PVTG Community (Birhor) |
SWISSAID | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 1106000 | Establishing Baseline Data for India Country Program ( Promotion of Sustainable Tribal Livelihood Project Field Aria Baseline Work) |
Keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 250000 | Community Based Seed System of Tribal Woman At Chhura , Gariyaband Block District - Gariyaband (C.G) |
SWISSAID | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 697230 | Promotion of Sustainable Tribal Livelihood in Central Additional Credit |
Jan Vikash Samiti | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 1374815 | Inclusive Development for the Children and Youngsters with disability |
Keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 4307693 | People Empowerment through accessing Rights of Forest land and water Project At District Gariyaband , Raigarh ,Mahasamund Kabeerdham ,Bilaspur, Kanker, Dhamtari, Bastar |
The Consulate General of Japan in mumbai | Overseas | 2018-2019 | 6144800 | Construction of School Building |
SWISSAID | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 5039371 | Promotion of Sustainable livelihood in Central India Block - Gariyaband District - Gariyaband (C.G.) |
SWISSAID | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 1756678 | Promotion of Sustainable Tribal Livelihood in Central India At Block Bodla District - Kabeerdham (C.G.) |
Keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 1067761 | Using Diversity project At Podi Pali Block District Korba Birhor Community and Mainpur Block District - Gariyaband (C.G.) Kamar Community |
SWISSAID | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 661830 | Establishing Baseline Data for India Country Program At Gariyaband Balodabajar Kabeerdham Gadchiroli |
Keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 716871 | Community Based Seed System of Tribal Woman |
SWISSAID | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 1388040 | Promotion of Sustainable Tribal Livelihood in Central Inida Additional Credit II At Kabeerdham ,Gariyaband |
SWISSAID | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 463500 | Promotion of Sustainable Tribal Livelihood in India Development phase At Gariyaband And Kabeerdham |
Jan Vikash Samiti | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 1086695 | Intervention for Social Inclusion and Rehabilitation of the Children With Special Needs At Block Chhura District Gariyaband |
Keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 3972385 | Peoples Empowerment through Regeneration Conservation Protection of Natural Resources At District Gariyaband Dhamtari Mahasamund Raigarh Bilashpur Pendra Road Mungeli Kanker Bastar Kabeerdham |
Keystone Foundation | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 600000 | Proposed Amendments in india forest Act 1927 At Distict Level Program Gariyaband Mahasamund Kabeerdham Bilaspur Bastar |
The Consulate General of Japan in mumbai | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 3828810 | The Project for the Construction of School Building At Torla Block Abhanpur District Raipur (C.G.) |
Brunel University | Overseas | 2019-2020 | 762887 | Consultancy Agreement (Education systems aspiration and Learning among the youth in Remote Rural Setting (India)) At Gariyaband Korba Raigarh Bilashpur Kabeerdham |
SWISSAID INDIA | Overseas | 2020-2021 | 2429574 | we are providing the livelihood supports to the tribal communities of gariaband and kabirdham district of chattisgarh state where we are working in livelihood, natural farming , livestock management , water conservation , nutri garden . we are providing the handholding supports for the livestock management and rearing as well as skill development to the community in their organic and natural farming and also expousure to the communities in Improved agriculture practices to the women groups |
KEYSTONE FOUNDATION | Overseas | 2020-2021 | 6568346 | we are working with the tribal communities from the 12 districts of chhattisgarh state to provide them over their rights in land , water and Forest . we are providing supports to the tribals for their community forest rights claim prepairation and submission process and also livelihood promotion through the NTFP collection from the forest and market linkage process through the training and capacity building program to the communities . expousure program also given to the tribal women and mens |
Both Ends | Overseas | 2020-2021 | 4794910 | Community forest right and NTFP collection is the main focus area of the project where we handholding support we are giving to the tribal community in their community claim process prepairation and submission to the district level. Strengthen the Forest management committee for the management plan initiation , seed collection and forest conservation , Budget prepairation where all the natural resource management activities like water conservation and plantation activities are covered by pro |
Jan vikas samiti | Overseas | 2020-2021 | 535000 | With the support by this project we are providing the direct supports to the 100 Nos od Chiuldrens with disabilities and other 640 Indirect childrens with disabilities got the benefits of health , education and nutrition by this project . Differents categories of intellectual disabilities like Visual impact, Mentally irited , Orthopedic disabilities , Hearing impact childrens are geeting currative and referral service , daily living skills and physiotherapy , speech therapy service providing t |
Social Welfare Department | State | 2020-2021 | 1117600 | We are providing the supports to the old ager community both male and female who have no food and shelter . we providing the residential supports in gariaband district . 25 Nos of Old ager are getting the food , shelter and health benfits with the supports from the district social welfare department of chhattisgarh . we are proving the health checkup , and skill development and entertainment activities in the residential centre . we organizing health camps and provides medicines for health |
Both Ends | Overseas | 2021-2022 | 5811202 | we are working with the tribal community of 12 districts in chattisgarh for their Forest rights and entitlements . we proving handholding supports for their skill development , claim process , forest management planning , indegenous seed collection and conservation through the seed banking , interface meeting with the forest and tribal department for their community forest rights access . plantation and nursery development is one of the another major activities of our project for forest co |
SWISS AID | Overseas | 2021-2022 | 4582951 | with this supports from this project we are creating awareness among the tribal communities mostly the women groups for the livelihood enhancement program as well as the livelihood supports providing related to livestocks management and rearing , natural farming over vegetables and millets , Improved agriculture practices and agricultural learnings plots in 21 villages of gariaband district for their income enhancement activities and proving seeds supports for their farming with high productio |
Liliane Funds | Overseas | 2021-2022 | 900000 | we are providing the childrens under the age groups of 0-25 with disabilities like hearing impact, vision impared , mentally retaired, orthopedic disabilities and multiple disabilities and providing home based service like physiotherapy, speech therapy services , organizing health camps for the childrens , providing hand holding supports for their linkage in social securities schemes , enrollment in schools , parents and teachers awareness for crating a safe environment for the intellectual |
DASARA | Overseas | 2021-2022 | 897000 | During the critical situation in COVID-19 pendamic we are proving the awareness messages to the rural tribals of gariyaband for use of masks, maintain the social distancing and use all the social norms which instructed by the central government for the covid awareness and also provided all the dry foods , medicines to the tribal communities who are not allowed to go outside for purchase any materials during the covid period . we are providing masks for their uses and leaflets and pamplates p |
Both Ends | Overseas | 2021-2022 | 187155 | Through the fellowship supports by Both ends we are creating awareness among the tribal communities of Bastar district for forest conservation , collection of indegeneous seed from the forest , nursery development of differents species which protect forest like mahua,chhar, tendu , imli , harda, bahada, bamboo and provided plants to the communities for plantation through the self help groups and closely monitoring for the management of that plants for their protection . Seeds collection and |
Social welfare department | State | 2021-2022 | 658800 | we are proving food , shelter and clothes to the old ager groups who are not coming from their home without getting supports from the relatives and family members , 25 Nos of old ager male and female living inside our old age home where we are providing them all the basic need of their life and health check up and medicines provided to them with every monthly basic by the Govt doctors and nurses are providing health benefits to them with a regular manner . Nutritional foods provided to them |
AZIM PREMJI PHILANTHORAPY INITIATIVES | Overseas | 2021-2022 | 3204700 | we are proving the handholding supports to the communities of 25 Villages under chhura and gariyaband district for their community forest rights and entitlements , with this project we suports for their claim prepairation , submission , follow up to the SDLC and DLC for getting the CFR access , Management of community forest through the implementation of Natural resource management , plantation , seed conservation and implementation of water conservation structures with the govt schemes availd |
Both Ends | Overseas | 2022-2023 | 11923391 | we are working with the tribal community of 12 districts in chattisgarh for their Forest rights and entitlements . We provide handholding supports for their skill development , claim process , forest management planning , indigenous seed collection and conservation through the seed banking , plantation and nursery development is one of the another major activities of our project for forest conservation. |
SWISSAID INDIA | Overseas | 2022-2023 | 6827847 | Promote climate change adaptation practices and ecological farming practices like line sowing, mixed cropping, row-intercropping, use of organic manure and pesticides with small and marginalised farmers, promotion of income generation activities, backyard kitchen garden, poultry, goatry, fishery, NTFP collective marketing, seed banks etc. |
Liliane Funds | Overseas | 2022-2023 | 800000 | Provide home based service like physiotherapy, speech therapy services , organizing health camps for the childrens , provide hand holding supports for linkaging them with the social security services and schemes, connecting them with education and livelihood opportunities, enrollment in schools , parents and teachers awareness for crating a safe environment for the PWD children under the age groups of 0-25 years. |
Paul Hamlyn Foundation | Overseas | 2022-2023 | 1230830 | To provide intensive care services, education, community based rehabilitation, home based services, physiotherapy, speech therapy, awareness generation and breaking social stigma about the disability, parents counselling and to organise career guidance to the persons with disabilities from 0 to 25 years of age. |
Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiative | Overseas | 2022-2023 | 3236300 | To provide supports to the communities of 25 Villages from chhura and gariyaband blocks from Gariaband distric for their community forest rights and entitlements , with this project we suport for their claim preparation , submission , follow up to the SDLC and DLC for getting the CFR access , Management of community forest through the implementation of Natural resource management , plantation , seed conservation and support the village people in getting the benefits of the government schemes. |
Social Welfare Department | State | 2022-2023 | 658800 | Get support for running the oldage home for the persons above 60 years of age, provide free food, shelter, health services and recreational activities for the senior citizens. |
Social Welfare Department | State | 2022-2023 | 1837480 | Run free residential school for the childrens suffering from visual impairment, hearing impairment and with intellectual disability. Provide free education, brail education, sign language, pictorial education, classes for singing, dancing, sports activities etc. |
Contact details
Address | PRERAK Rawanbhanth At/PostGariaband DistrictRaipur 493881 |
City | Gariyaband |
Telephone | 07701-235180 |
Mobile No | 9424218653 |
Website Url | |
prerak2(at)rediffmail[dot]com |
PRERAK Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: Gariyaband, Mahasamund, Raigarh, Korba , Bilaspur, Kabeerdham, Dhamtari , Mungeli
Operational States: CHHATTISGARH
AchieveMents: Development of 534 persons with disabilities including children and youth, Capacity building of 1220 stakeholders, 8 bio-pesticide centers by SHGs, 13 farm ponds constructed in farmers land, kitchen garden 1150 households, mix cropping 53 farmers and ecological practices 34 women farmers, 6 community seed banks, 350 varieties of paddy seeds, 2 conservation blocks for traditional seeds, seed cultivation by 680 farmers, Tribal empowerment 128 villages, Old Aged Home 25 old vulnerable old persons.
Key Issues
Agriculture, Differently Abled, Land Resources, Panchayati Raj, Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation, Tribal Affairs, Vocational Training, Aged/Elderly, Water Resources, Women's Development and Empowerment, Environment and Forests, Legal Awareness and Aid, Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries,Popular Non-governmental organization Cities
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Popular Non-governmental organization Categories
- Education And Literacy NGOs |
- Health And Family Welfare NGOs |
- Children NGOs |
- Environment And Forests NGOs |
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- Aged Elderly NGOs |
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- Women Education NGOs |
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- Dairying And Fisheries NGOs |
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- Children Care NGOs |
- Minority Issues NGOs |
- Micro Small And Medium Enterprises NGOs |
- Youth Affairs NGOs |