Siksha O Anusandhan Ngo In Bhubaneswar Orissa

Siksha O Anusandhan Ngo Information
Siksha O Anusandhan Non Governmental Organization is located in Bhubaneswar ORISSA .
Registration Details
Registered With | Registrar of Societies |
Type of NGO | Registered Societies (Non-Government) |
Registration No | 6750-432 |
Copy of Registration Certificate | Available |
Copy of Pan Card | Available |
Act name | Act XXI of 1860 |
City of Registration | Bhubaneswar |
State of Registration | ORISSA |
Date of Registration | 11-12-1995 |
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? NO
Siksha O Anusandhan NGO Organization Members
Name | Designation | Pan | Aadhaar |
Bibhuti Bhusan Pradhan | Registrar | Available | Available |
Manas Kumar Mallick | Professor | Available | Available |
Sitikantha Mishra | Dean | Available | Available |
Siksha O Anusandhan Source Funds
Department Name | Source | Finacial Year | Amount Sanctioned | Purpose |
SERB DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | Central | 2014-2015 | 432000 | Purchase of equipment and appointment of JRF, Investigation on origin of neutrino massaes and minings, suggestion of new formulas, new models of unified gauge theories, prediction of new particles, new mechanism of neutrinoless double beta decay and observable lepton flavor violations through SO(10) theory. |
SERB DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | Central | 2015-2016 | 367585 | Discovery of new mechanism of leptogenesis leading to baryon asymmetry of the universe. Prediction of low mass Z boson from SO(10) grand unification; Unification in SU(5)xU(I) model. New mechanism for type-II seesaw dominance |
SERB DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | Central | 2016-2017 | 554367 | Investigation on the scope of hybrid seesaw for neutrino masses, coupling unification, dark matter and baryon asymmetry through SO(10) theory. Decaying dark matter from GUT. |
DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | Central | 2014-2015 | 250400 | The prime goal of the research work is to focus on neutrion physics in possible extensions of Standard Model gauge tehory and its implication to neutrionless double beta decay with its accessibility at 1.1K |
MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | Central | 2015-2016 | 477200 | The main objectives are to study the origin of neutrino masses and mixing via various seesaw mechanism and its connection to lepton number violating process. We also study the cosmological implications of verifiable left-right musles to the matter antimatter asymmetry at the Universe. |
SERB GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 3943000 | To carry out the research work on cutting edge nanocatalysts for plasmon induced hot electron based photocatalytic reactions. |
SERB GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 2490400 | To carry out the research work on core-shell photocatalysts for plasmon induced hot electron based photocatalytic water splitting reactions. |
SERB GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 1672000 | To carry out the research work on development of photoanodes by means of integrating transition metal ferrites into graphene analogous materials. The developed materials showed high photocurrent under visible light irradiation. These are very efficient towards photocatalytic hydrogen production and also degradation of organic pollutant. |
DST GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 2200000 | To carry out the research work on LDH-GO-CLAY Hybrid integrated based candles for purification of domestic water. |
MNRE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 6481200 | To carry out the research work on development of metal oxide photoanodes by modifying with porous grapheme oxide. These are very efficient towards photoelectrochemical hydrogen production under visible light. |
SERB GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 1672000 | To carry out the research work on development of photoanodes by means of integrating transition metal ferrites into graphene analogous materials. The developed materials showed high photocurrent under visible light irradiation. These are very efficient towards photocatalytic hydrogen production and also degradation of organic pollutant. |
MNRE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 6481200 | To carry out the research work on development of metal oxide photoanodes by modifying with porous grapheme oxide. These are very efficient towards photoelectrochemical hydrogen production under visible light. |
DST GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 2200000 | To carry out the research work on LDH GO CLAY hybrid integrated based candles for purification of domestic water. |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2013-2014 | 1874400 | Evaluation of curcumin content of turmeric from different agroclimatic regions of Odisha (50 accessions from each of the 10 agroclimatic regions) Optimization of environmental parameters for high curcumin yield in turmeric by developing a prediction model. |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2014-2015 | 824400 | Evaluation of curcumin content of turmeric from different agroclimatic regions of Odisha (50 accessions from each of the 10 agroclimatic regions) Optimization of environmental parameters for high curcumin yield in turmeric by developing a prediction model. |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 753200 | Evaluation of curcumin content of turmeric from different agroclimatic regions of Odisha (50 accessions from each of the 10 agroclimatic regions) Optimization of environmental parameters for high curcumin yield in turmeric by developing a prediction model. |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 695147 | Evaluation of curcumin content of turmeric from different agroclimatic regions of Odisha (50 accessions from each of the 10 agroclimatic regions) Optimization of environmental parameters for high curcumin yield in turmeric by developing a prediction model. |
CENTRAL RESEARCH LABORATORY | Central | 2013-2014 | 2800000 | To develop a Herbal Drug for UTI |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2014-2015 | 2800000 | To develop a Herbal Drug for UTI |
DHR ICMR GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2014-2015 | 3194900 | Use of public health informatics for the promotion of healthy life style and prevention of complications among newly diagnosed patients of type II Diabetes â A randomized controlled trial |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 2800000 | To develop a Herbal Drug for UTI |
DST GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 1920000 | To develop a molecular kit for early detection of Ciprofloxacin and Amoxyclave resistance |
Directorate of Medical Research and Department of Otorhinolaryngology | Central | 2016-2017 | 1920000 | To develop a molecular kit for early detectin of Ciprofloxacin and Amoxyclave resistance |
DBT Government of India | Central | 2013-2014 | 1326400 | Cytogenetic diversity evaluation in some genera of Cucurbitacease. Characterization of sex linked genes in Coccinia through SCAR marker approach. |
DBT Government of India | Central | 2014-2015 | 500400 | Cytogenetic diversity evaluation in some genera of Cucurbitacease. Characterization of sex linked genes in Coccinia through SCAR marker approach. |
DBT Government of India | Central | 2015-2016 | 529200 | Cytogenetic diversity evaluation in some genera of Cucurbitacease. Characterization of sex linked genes in Coccinia through SCAR marker approach. |
DBT Government of India | Central | 2016-2017 | Not Specified | Cytogenetic diversity evaluation in some genera of Cucurbitacease. Characterization of sex linked genes in Coccinia through SCAR marker approach. |
SERB GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2013-2014 | 2993280 | (a) Identification and characterization of elite cultivars of turmeric with respect to curcumin content, oleoresin, essential oil and rhizome yield. (b) Development and characterization of expressive nucleotide sequences of elite turmeric cultivars through whole transcriptome profiling by multiplexing. (c)Detection of functional SSRs through nucleotide sequences analysis |
SERB GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2014-2015 | Not Specified | (a) Identification and characterization of elite cultivars of turmeric with respect to curcumin content, oleoresin, essential oil and rhizome yield. (b) Development and characterization of expressive nucleotide sequences of elite turmeric cultivars through whole transcriptome profiling by multiplexing. (c)Detection of functional SSRs through nucleotide sequences analysis |
SERB GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | Not Specified | (a) Identification and characterization of elite cultivars of turmeric with respect to curcumin content, oleoresin, essential oil and rhizome yield. (b) Development and characterization of expressive nucleotide sequences of elite turmeric cultivars through whole transcriptome profiling by multiplexing. (c)Detection of functional SSRs through nucleotide sequences analysis |
SERB GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | Not Specified | (a) Identification and characterization of elite cultivars of turmeric with respect to curcumin content, oleoresin, essential oil and rhizome yield. (b) Development and characterization of expressive nucleotide sequences of elite turmeric cultivars through whole transcriptome profiling by multiplexing. (c)Detection of functional SSRs through nucleotide sequences analysis |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2013-2014 | 3115000 | Ecotyping of Hedychium coronarium, Zingiber zerumbet and Curcuma caesia from different ecoregions of Eastern India (Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar) through analysis of environmental factors. Chemical profiling of target species emphasizing on important bioactive constituents and establishment of their fingerprint profiles through GC-MS analysis of essential oils and HPTLC, HPLC and GC-MS analysis of plant extracts. Molecular profiling of proposed taxa using SSR and othe |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2014-2015 | 995000 | Ecotyping of Hedychium coronarium, Zingiber zerumbet and Curcuma caesia from different ecoregions of Eastern India (Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar) through analysis of environmental factors. Chemical profiling of target species emphasizing on important bioactive constituents and establishment of their fingerprint profiles through GC-MS analysis of essential oils and HPTLC, HPLC and GC-MS analysis of plant extracts. Molecular profiling of proposed taxa using SSR and othe |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 1058000 | Ecotyping of Hedychium coronarium, Zingiber zerumbet and Curcuma caesia from different ecoregions of Eastern India (Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar) through analysis of environmental factors. Chemical profiling of target species emphasizing on important bioactive constituents and establishment of their fingerprint profiles through GC-MS analysis of essential oils and HPTLC, HPLC and GC-MS analysis of plant extracts. Molecular profiling of proposed taxa using SSR and othe |
MINISTRY OF MINES GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 1660000 | The total microbial diversity analysis of all the cultivable and non cultivable microorganisms will be carried out by following a metagenomic approach. Cultivable manganese biomining organisms will be isolated for carrying out the recovery of electrolytic manganese from ferro manganese mine tailings.The effect of different operational process parameters (pH, Temperature, Pulp density, Inoculum volume, Media constituents) on bioleaching potential of the isolates will be studied and optimized for |
MINISTRY OF MINES GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 670000 | The total microbial diversity analysis of all the cultivable and non cultivable microorganisms will be carried out by following a metagenomic approach. Cultivable manganese biomining organisms will be isolated for carrying out the recovery of electrolytic manganese from ferro manganese mine tailings.The effect of different operational process parameters (pH, Temperature, Pulp density, Inoculum volume, Media constituents) on bioleaching potential of the isolates will be studied and optimized for |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 2279000 | Reimbursement of balance amount of thecompletion of the project |
SERB GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2013-2014 | 2250000 | Fellowship for post-doctoral research of Dr. R K Joshi at the University of Alberta, Canada |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2013-2014 | 1824000 | For payment of salary to project staff and carrying out research activities |
SERB GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2014-2015 | 2250000 | For payment of salary to project staff and carrying out research activities |
SERB GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 2250000 | For purchase of equipment, payment of salary to project staff and carrying out research activities. |
SERB GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 2250000 | For payment of salary to project staff and carrying out research activities |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 1150000 | For payment of salary to project staff and carrying out research activities |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 1136400 | For payment of salary to project staff and carrying out research activities |
SERB GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2014-2015 | 3139355 | For purchase of equipment, payment of salary to project staff and carrying out research activities |
SERB DST GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 3139355 | For payment of salary to project staff and carrying out research activities |
SERB DST GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 3139355 | For payment of salary to project staff and carrying out research activities |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2013-2014 | 1996000 | Quantitative assessment of the geographic distribution and status of populations of symplocos racemosa pterocarpus marsupium and saraca asoca in eastern ghat of india |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2014-2015 | Not Specified | Quantitative assessment of the geographic distribution and status of populations of symplocos racemosa pterocarpus marsupium and saraca asoca in eastern ghat of india |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 1225000 | Quantitative assessment of the geographic distribution and status of populations of symplocos racemosa pterocarpus marsupium and saraca asoca in eastern ghat of india |
DBT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 1003000 | Quantitative assessment of the geographic distribution and status of population of Sympolocos racemosa. Pterocarpus marsupium and Saraca asoca in Eastern Ghats of India |
DST SEED GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2013-2014 | 2231200 | Pilot initiative for sustanable livehood generation of rural community through production of value added products from commercially important plants. |
DST SERB | Central | 2013-2014 | 3645200 | Phytochemical evaluation of ginger from different agro-climatic region of Odisha through analysis of essential oil, oleoresin and fibre content |
DST SERB | Central | 2014-2015 | 2231200 | Pilot initiative for sustanable livehood generation of rural community through production of value added products from commercially important plants. |
DST SERB | Central | 2014-2015 | 3645200 | Molecular profiling of ginger from different agro-climatic regions of Odisha using ISSR, SSR and other sequence based markers emphasizing on high essential oil, high oleoresin and low fibre containing genotypes |
DST SERB | Central | 2014-2015 | 3491800 | Biochemical |
DST SERB | Central | 2015-2016 | 3645200 | performance evaluation of elite clones |
DST SERB | Central | 2015-2016 | 3491800 | Microbial diversity of the Taptapani hot spring of Odisha based on 16S rRNA gene |
DST SERB | Central | 2016-2017 | 3645200 | performance evaluation |
DST SERB | Central | 2016-2017 | 3491800 | Construction of lipase -immobilized silica monolith bioreactor to produce biodiesel |
DST SERB | Central | 2016-2017 | 965200 | Evaluation of yield and quality of oleoresin and essential oil of turmeric from different agroclimatic regions of Odisha for identification of elites. Development of neural network based prediction model in turmeric for optimization of oleoresin and essential oil yield |
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2014-2015 | 3704000 | evaluate kewda essential oil from different eco regions of Odisha Through GC MS |
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 1370000 | evaluate kewda essential oil from different eco regions of Odisha Through GC MS |
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 1370000 | evaluate kewda essential oil from different eco regions of Odisha Through GC MS |
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2013-2014 | 400000 | Evaluation of curcumin and essential oil content of turmeric from different agroclimatic regions of Odisha. Expression analysis of CURS gene with respect to curcumin content from different agroclimatic regions |
DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2014-2015 | 600000 | Evaluation of curcumin and essential oil content of turmeric from different agroclimatic regions of Odisha. Expression analysis of CURS gene with respect to curcumin content from different agroclimatic regions |
DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 250000 | Evaluation of curcumin and essential oil content of turmeric from different agroclimatic regions of Odisha. Expression analysis of CURS gene with respect to curcumin content from different agroclimatic regions |
DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 13795 | Evaluation of curcumin and essential oil content of turmeric from different agroclimatic regions of Odisha. Expression analysis of CURS gene with respect to curcumin content from different agroclimatic regions |
SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2013-2014 | 2270000 | The essential oils from medicinal plants has been not yet developed in the modern system of medicine, which stimulates the immune function or protect it from damage caused by the harmful foreign antigens. So, there is an urgent need to develop novel drug which could protect the bodyâs immune system to combat different diseases. |
DST GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2014-2015 | 3400000 | Malaria remains a major public-health problem in India. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential for addressing the global burden of malaria. Presently all malaria diagnostic methods microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are invasive as they depends on blood samples for diagnosis. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop a non-invasive rapid method of malaria diagnosis using body fluids other than blood which may facilitate access to accurate, non invasive malaria diagnosi |
SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2014-2015 | 1100000 | Hedychium coronarium of family Zingiberaceae is highly valued for its medicinal properties. Despite of the ornamental, medicinal and industrial potential, very little work has been done in Hedychium species. Improvement work in Hedychium coronarium through conventional breeding is not possible due to absence of seed setting. Callus culture can induce unexpectedly rich novel changes which in turn provide a new and exciting variability in regenerated plants. Elicitors could be used for enhancement |
SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | Not Specified | Hedychium coronarium of family Zingiberaceae is highly valued for its medicinal properties. Despite of the ornamental, medicinal and industrial potential, very little work has been done in Hedychium species. Improvement work in Hedychium coronarium through conventional breeding is not possible due to absence of seed setting. Callus culture can induce unexpectedly rich novel changes which in turn provide a new and exciting variability in regenerated plants. Elicitors could be used for enhancement |
SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | Not Specified | Hedychium coronarium of family Zingiberaceae is highly valued for its medicinal properties. Despite of the ornamental, medicinal and industrial potential, very little work has been done in Hedychium species. Improvement work in Hedychium coronarium through conventional breeding is not possible due to absence of seed setting. Callus culture can induce unexpectedly rich novel changes which in turn provide a new and exciting variability in regenerated plants. Elicitors could be used for enhancement |
SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2015-2016 | 1250000 | Physico-chemical and Microbiological analysis of the collected water and sediment samples. |
SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD GOVERNMENT OF INDIA | Central | 2016-2017 | 509355 | Physico-chemical and Microbiological analysis of the collected water and sediment samples. |
Life Science Research Board DRDO | Central | 2013-2014 | 1249960 | Losartan carboxylic acid the active metabolite of losartan is a potent ATI blocker. It suffers from poor bioavailability. Its conjugate with ascorbic acid can enhance its bioavailability in brain leading to its application against stress induced neurodegenerative disorders |
Contact details
Address | Plot No-224,Dharma Vihar Bhubaneswar-751030 |
City | Bhubaneswar |
State | ORISSA |
Telephone | 0674-2350635 |
Mobile No | 9437031388 |
Website Url | |
registrar(at)soa[dot] |
Siksha O Anusandhan Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts:
Operational States:
AchieveMents: Siksha O Anusandhan University is a Deemed University situated in Bhubaneswar Odisha. SOA University was reaccredited by NAAC with an A grade (highest grade under the old system) in 2015 for a period of 5 years.Ranked 16th by the Ministry of Human Resource Development through its NIRF India Rankings 2016.NABL Accreditation for Central Lab of IMS and SUM Hospital
Key Issues
Agriculture, Biotechnology, Education and Literacy, Health and Family Welfare, HIV/AIDS, Information and Communication Technology, Legal Awareness and Aid, Nutrition, Right to Information and Advocacy, Scientific and Industrial Research, Science and Technology, Sports, Tourism, Vocational Training, Women's Development and Empowerment, Youth Affairs,- Destitute Aged Young AssociationBHUBANESWAR, ORISSA
- Ray Foundation Welfare TrustBHUBANESWAR, ORISSA
- Aawaz Voluntary OrganisationBHUBANESWAR, ORISSA
- Social Organisation Professional Voluntary ActionBhubaneswar, ORISSA
- The Orissa Association For The BlindBHUBANESWAR, ORISSA
- Aeron Wellness TrustBhubaneswar, ORISSA
- Secular And Teritorial Association For Welfare And Devl Ofxxx InhabitantsBHUBANESWAR, ORISSA
- Asha Kiran FoundationBhubaneswar, ORISSA
- Hu-cap Care And Resources LlpBHUBANESWAR, ORISSA
- Anusandhan Siksha And Samajik Samiti In Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh
- Akhil Bhartiya Siksha And Anusandhan Sansthan In Chhawani Rajasthan
- Nav Yug Vikas And Anusandhan Sansthan In Bikaner Rajasthan
- Akhand Bharat Seva Evam Anusandhan Sansthan In Allahabad Uttar Pradesh
- Bhartiya Aushadhi Anusandhan Sanstha Tumsar In Tumsar Maharashtra
- Yog Anusandhan Parishad In Bhopal Madhya Pradesh
- Shri Banwala Goshala Anusandhan Kender In Sirsa Haryana
- Yogendra Prasad Smriti Nihshaktata Punarvas Evam Anusandhan Sansthan In Raxaul Bihar
- Bindole Anusandhan Social Welfare Society In Raiganj West Bengal
- Vandan Punarvas Evam Anusandhan Sansthan In Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh
Siksha O Anusandhan [Ngos with same name]
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