Society For National Integration Through Rural Development Ngo In Ongole Andhra Pradesh

Society For National Integration Through Rural Development Ngo Information
Society for National Integration through Rural Development Non Governmental Organization is located in ONGOLE ANDHRA PRADESH .
Registration Details
Registered With | Registrar of Societies |
Type of NGO | Registered Societies (Non-Government) |
Registration No | 71 of 1987 |
Copy of Registration Certificate | Available |
Copy of Pan Card | Available |
Act name | 21 of 1860 |
City of Registration | ONGOLE |
State of Registration | ANDHRA PRADESH |
Date of Registration | 01-04-1987 |
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act [FRCA] Registered? Yes
FRCA Registartion Number: 010330033Society for National Integration through Rural Development NGO Organization Members
Name | Designation | Pan | Aadhaar |
GODFREY PACKIA JAWAHAR GEOFFER | Secretary | Available | Available |
RICHARDSON SOLOMON | President | Available | Available |
GUDAVALLI JAYA LAKSHMI | Member | Available | Available |
AROSHA LINY GODFREY | Vice President | Available | Available |
K RAVI PRADEEP | Member | Available | Available |
Society for National Integration through Rural Development Source Funds
Department Name | Source | Finacial Year | Amount Sanctioned | Purpose |
NABARD | State | 2014-2015 | 1778329 | This programme is implementing in 5 Panchayats of Donakonda, Kanigiri and PC palli mandals of Prakasam District. It is being supported by NABARD Regional Office, Hyderabad. There are being treated is 5135.83 hectares. SNIRD has promoted 5 mutually aided cooperative societies, out of which livelihood support was extended through 5 MACTS The main aim of the program is to conserve soil and moisture by constructing water harvesting structures and to bring under cultivation the cultivable wasteland |
Rural Development | State | 2014-2015 | 1029059 | This programme is implemented at Kambalapadu in Podili Mandal, Prakasam District, with the support of GOI and the State Government of Andhra Pradesh. Being the first year, detailed project plan was prepared with an outlay of Rs.5,06,80,000. The area proposed for treatment is 4223 hactares. The following activities were implemented as : Entry Point Activities. NRM activities PSI Activities Plantation Actiivties Horticulture Activities |
District Medical and Health | State | 2014-2015 | 737573 | SNIRD is running an Urban Health centre with the support of DM&HO. |
Andhra Pradesh State Aids Control Society | State | 2014-2015 | 1639507 | SNIRD is implementing Target interventions for Migrants at Chimakurthy supported by APSACS, Hyderabad from 2012 onwards. Target people : 10000 migrants To halt the spread of HIV/AIDS among the migrant populations working in the granite quarries and stone polishing units located in Chimakurthi town and outlying villages and prevent the spread of HIV/ AIDS in the natal states from where they have come. |
Indian Tobac Limited | Overseas | 2014-2015 | 11332375 | In the year 2000, Soil and Moisture Conservation practices Project and the Social Forestry Program was initiated in the semi arid mandals of Lingasamudram, Konakanamitla, Marripudi, Voletivaripalem, Kanigiri and Ponnaluru mandals of Prakasam District with the objective of the program of protecting soil and moisture resources in these areas by constructing water harvesting structures and thereby bringing the cultivable wastelands under cultivation and ensuring water for critical irrigation. |
ACTION AID | Overseas | 2014-2015 | 7429234 | South Coastal Andhra Fisher Folk Network (SCAFN) is a network based initiative for Nellore and Prakasam districts that emerged as part of Tsunami rehabilitation process initiated by Action Aid in Nellore and Prakasam districts. The network consists of two well established and reputed NGOs namely SNIRD and NISARGA, who had been already working with the affected communities in Prakasam and Nellore districts respectively. SCAFN, through support from ACTION AID, |
DKA | Overseas | 2014-2015 | 3250000 | During this reporting period, the project has been striving for the strengthening of the State Level Yanadhi Samakya. This is in keeping with the main focus of the project which is to organize the Yanadhi Tribal community so that they can use their collective bargaining power to develop themselves. The project organizes individuals of the community into Samakyas at village level through awareness creation. After that, the village level Samakyas are federated at mandal level and mandal level sama |
ECOMWEL | Overseas | 2014-2015 | 306800 | âReduce the disease and economic burden of diabetes mellitus (DM) and improve the quality of life for all persons who have, or are at risk for DM.â To create awareness on Diabetes. Increase prevention behavior in persons at high risk for diabetes with pre diabetes awareness Increase the Proportion of persons with diagnosed diabetes whose blood pressure is under control Increase the proportion of adults with diabetes who have a glycosylated hemoglobin measurement at least twice a year |
CHRISTIAN AID | Overseas | 2014-2015 | 2489678 | Due to Hudhud cyclone many areas were high in vulnerability, including rural areas where thatched houses, mainly made of mud and semi pucca house were badly affected and other damages like belongings, as well as livelihoods; field crops, plantations, loss of food grains, utensils, school children books and agri |
ACTION AID HYDERABAD | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 6289242 | South Coastal Andhra Fisher Folk Network (SCAFN) is a network based initiative for Nellore and Prakasam districts that emerged as part of Tsunami rehabilitation process initiated by Action Aid in Nellore and Prakasam districts. The network consists of two well established and reputed NGOs namely SNIRD and NISARGA, who had been already working with the affected communities in Prakasam and Nellore districts respectively. SCAFN, through support from ACTION AID |
DKA AUSTRIA | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 4529819 | The project has been striving for the strengthening of the State Level Yanadhi Samakya. This is in keeping with the main focus of the project which is to organize the Yanadhi Tribal community so that they can use their collective bargaining power to develop themselves. The project organizes individuals of the community into Samakyas at village level through awareness creation. After that, the village level Samakyas are federated at mandal level and mandal level samakya |
ITC LIMITED | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 3641000 | In the year 2000, Soil and Moisture Conservation practices Project and the Social Forestry Program was initiated in the semi arid mandals of Lingasamudram, Konakanamitla, Marripudi, Voletivaripalem, Kanigiri and Ponnaluru mandals of Prakasam District with the objective of the program of protecting soil and moisture resources in these areas by constructing water harvesting structures and thereby bringing the cultivable wastelands under cultivation and ensuring water for critical irrigation. |
OXFAM | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 400000 | Due to Rovan cyclone many areas were high in vulnerability, including rural areas where thatched houses, mainly made of mud and semi pucca house were badly affected and other damages like belongings, as well as livelihoods; field crops, plantations, loss of food grains, utensils, school children books and agriculture fields |
DKA | Overseas | 2015-2016 | 696841 | Due to Rovan cyclone many areas were high in vulnerability, including rural areas where thatched houses, mainly made of mud and semi pucca house were badly affected and other damages like belongings, as well as livelihoods; field crops, plantations, loss of food grains, utensils, school children books and agriculture fields |
Rural Development | State | 2015-2016 | 1247934 | This programme is implemented at Kambalapadu in Podili Mandal, Prakasam District, with the support of GOI and the State Government of Andhra Pradesh. Being the first year, detailed project plan was prepared with an outlay of Rs.5,06,80,000. The area proposed for treatment is 4223 hactares. The following activities were implemented as : Entry Point Activities. NRM activities PSI Activities Plantation Actiivties Horticulture Activities |
Andhra Prades State Aids Control Society | State | 2015-2016 | 1547000 | SNIRD is implementing Target interventions for Migrants at Chimakurthy supported by APSACS, Hyderabad from 2012 onwards. Target people : 10000 migrants To halt the spread of HIV/AIDS among the migrant populations working in the granite quarries and stone polishing units located in Chimakurthi town and outlying villages and prevent the spread of HIV/ AIDS in the natal states from where they have come. |
DM and HO | State | 2015-2016 | 919720 | SNIRD is running an Urban Health centre with the support of DM |
NABARD | State | 2015-2016 | 769796 | his programme is implementing in 5 Panchayats of Donakonda, Kanigiri and PC palli mandals of Prakasam District. It is being supported by NABARD Regional Office, Hyderabad. There are being treated is 5135.83 hectares. |
DKA | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 3529062 | the project has been striving for the strengthening of the State Level Yanadhi Samakya. This is in keeping with the main focus of the project which is to organize the Yanadhi Tribal community so that they can use their collective bargaining power to develop themselves. The project organizes individuals of the community into Samakyas at village level through awareness creation. After that, the village level Samakyas are federated at mandal level and mandal level sama |
ITC LIMITED | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 430000 | In the year 2000, Soil and Moisture Conservation practices Project and the Social Forestry Program was initiated in the semi arid mandals of Lingasamudram, Konakanamitla, Marripudi, Voletivaripalem, Kanigiri and Ponnaluru mandals of Prakasam District with the objective of the program of protecting soil and moisture resources in these areas by constructing water harvesting structures and thereby bringing the cultivable wastelands under cultivation and ensuring water for critical irrigation. |
DKA | Overseas | 2016-2017 | 647578 | Due to Vardha cyclone many areas were high in vulnerability, including rural areas where thatched houses, mainly made of mud and semi pucca house were badly affected and other damages like belongings, as well as livelihoods; field crops, plantations, loss of food grains, utensils, school children books and agriculture fields |
NABARD | State | 2016-2017 | 2517756 | This programme is implementing in 5 Panchayats of Donakonda, Kanigiri and PC palli mandals of Prakasam District. It is being supported by NABARD Regional Office, Hyderabad. There are being treated is 5135.83 hectares. SNIRD has promoted 5 mutually aided cooperative societies, out of which livelihood support was extended through 5 MACTS The main aim of the program is to conserve soil and moisture by constructing water harvesting structures and to bring under cultivation the cultivable wasteland |
Rural Development | State | 2016-2017 | 1258878 | his programme is implemented at Kambalapadu in Podili Mandal, Prakasam District, with the support of GOI and the State Government of Andhra Pradesh. Being the first year, detailed project plan was prepared with an outlay of Rs.5,06,80,000. The area proposed for treatment is 4223 hactares. The following activities were implemented as : Entry Point Activities. NRM activities PSI Activities Plantation Actiivties Horticulture Activities |
Andha Pradesh State Aids Control Society | State | 2016-2017 | 1671509 | SNIRD is implementing Target interventions for Migrants at Chimakurthy supported by APSACS, Hyderabad from 2012 onwards. Target people : 10000 migrants To halt the spread of HIV/AIDS among the migrant populations working in the granite quarries and stone polishing units located in Chimakurthi town and outlying villages and prevent the spread of HIV/ AIDS in the natal states from where they have come. |
ITC Limited | State | 2016-2017 | 1352891 | In the year 2000, Soil and Moisture Conservation practices Project and the Social Forestry Program was initiated in the semi arid mandals of Lingasamudram, Konakanamitla, Marripudi, Voletivaripalem, Kanigiri and Ponnaluru mandals of Prakasam District with the objective of the program of protecting soil and moisture resources in these areas by constructing water harvesting structures and thereby bringing the cultivable wastelands under cultivation and ensuring water for critical irrigation. |
Contact details
Address | SNIRD, RAILPET,P.O.Box.No.24, |
City | ONGOLE |
Telephone | 08592-232008 |
Mobile No | 9030071957 |
Website Url | |
snirdruraldevelopment(at)gmail[dot]com |
Society for National Integration through Rural Development Key Issues and Operational Areas, Major Activiities & Achivements
Operational Districts: Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore, Prakasam,Pathanamthitta
Operational States: ANDHRA PRADESH, KERALA
AchieveMents: SNIRD has working with fisherfolk & Tribals in Prakasam and Nellore Districts of Andhra Pradesh. SNIRD has formed 6 Women Mututally Aided Cooperative Societies. Implementing Watershed Development Programs, Women Empowerment and economic support for livelihoods, Counseling centers on HIV/AIDS, Nutrition and livelihood support to PLHAs / CLHAs and mainstreaming in Positive Networks. Implementing Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Maintaining Urban Health Center and Serving as Mother NGO for Reproductive & Child Health Program and Tribal Development programs
Key Issues
Children, Disaster Management, Health and Family Welfare, HIV/AIDS, Housing, Tribal Affairs, Women's Development and Empowerment, Agriculture, Education and Literacy, Right to Information and Advocacy, Water Resources,- Gods Will Voluntary OrganisationONGOLE, ANDHRA PRADESH
- GowthamruraldevelopmentsocietyONGOLE, ANDHRA PRADESH
- Redemption Research For Health And Educational Development SocietyONGOLE, ANDHRA PRADESH
- Sri Raja Rajeswari Memorial Rural Development Societyongole, ANDHRA PRADESH
- Kamadhenu Charitable TrustONGOLE, ANDHRA PRADESH
- Samatha Mahila VedikaONGOLE, ANDHRA PRADESH
- Green Kalpa Rural Development SocietyONGOLE, ANDHRA PRADESH
- Gowthami FoundationOngole, ANDHRA PRADESH
- Spurthi Welfare SocietyONGOLE, ANDHRA PRADESH
- Society For National Integration Through Education And Humanizing Action In Gudivada Andhra Pradesh
- Association For Development Through Integration And Cooperation (aicop) In Cuddalore Tamil Nadu
- Society For National Joyful Journey Through Rural Development (snjjrd) In Prakasam Andhra Pradesh
- National Integration Empowerment And Development Society In Irinjalakuda Kerala
- Institute For National Development Integration And Awareness In Patna Bihar
- National Integration And Educational Society In Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
- National Integration Welfare Society In Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh
- National Awareness Tribal Integration Organisation Of Network Nation In Khilapadar Orissa
- Social Harmony And National Traditional Integration In Kolkata West Bengal
- National Integration For Christian Enhancement Foundationand Charitable Trust In Guntur Andhra Pradesh
Society for National Integration through Rural Development [Ngos with same name]
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- Youth Affairs NGOs |